The Art Trust is a charitable, volunteer-based organization which supports and cultivates the exploration of a contemporary aesthetic for the benefit of artists and the community. We hold 6-8 exhibits a year. Thanks to the support of our corporate sponsor, Meridian Bank, we are able to use net proceeds from sales for art scholarships & sponsorships.
We are always interested in discovering new artists. We do not hold open "Call for Artists" but welcome information about your work and process. Please use the contact form below or email info@thearttrust.org and include your contact info, examples of your work and / or links to your website, Instagram or any past exhibits. If your work aligns with our mission, we will add you to our list of artists to consider for future exhibitions.
We encourage you to stop in during one of our events, meet our board members and introduce yourself. Or visit during regular gallery hours (Weekdays, 9am - 430pm) when the gallery is staffed by Meridian Bank employees (our corporate sponsor). Follow us on IG, Facebook or subscribe to our emails via our website to get the most up-to-date info on events.